Monday, October 12, 2009

Lockerz Revealed

Lockerz is new social networking site. In order to get you to participate, and to lure you away from the many other sites out there, they will reward you for just about EVERYTHING you do on the site with PTZ -- and you can use your PTZ to get the coolest stuff.

Too Good to Be True? Probably, but since it costs nothing to sign up, you have nothing to lose but a few minutes of your time. So why not?

They are currently in a pre-launch state right now and offering great prizes to people who help them beta test, earn points get great Prizes! There are over 200 prizes ranging from iPhone skins to iPods (Touch and Nano), game consoles (Wii, PS3, XBOX 360), console games, MacBooks and even a 40" Flatscreen TV!!!

However, you can't just go to the site and sign up, you have to get 'invited'. And, naturally, the person that invites you gets a little incentive for promoting the site. Other than the intial signup, there are no other incentives, so I won't be bugging you to click on links or anything like that. Just complete the signup, and see what it is all about it, and I get a couple PTZ for bringing you in.

I'm writing this as a guide to help you get lots of signups on Lockerz and in turn, get many awesome prizes. Watch the below unboxing video for proof. After watching the video, scroll down further and we'll get started.

Before we get started, there are a few things you will need: Paypal acct (don't worry, you only need less than $7 in the acct. If you don't have a paypal acct, sign up here), a blogger site, and a facebook account. Let's "get 'er done"!

1) Goto . This is my instant lockerz site. On this site, someone enters in there email address and it automatically sends out a Lockerz invite to them. Remember, Lockerz is by invitation only. Go ahead and register if you're not already a Lockerz member. If you're already a Lockerz member, skip to step 4.

2) In about 5 minutes, check the email that you registered. The invite might even be in the spam folder so check there. In the email, you'll notice a link. Click on the link. It will take you to a registration page on Lockerz.

3) Go ahead and register. Once inside, you'll have an opportunity to play a game for points. Go ahead and play the game. After playing the game, in the bottom right corner, you'll notice something that says "Dailies". Click on dailies. Scroll down and answer the daily question. REMEMBER: BE SURE TO COME BACK EVERY DAY AND ANSWER THE DAILY QUESTION. INSTEAD OF CLOSING THE WINDOW THAT LOCKERZ IS IN, MAKE SURE AND SIGN OUT PROPERLY. YOU MIGHT NOT GET CREDITED FOR SIGNING OUT/IN IF YOU JUST CLOSE THE WINDOW!

4)If you don't have an instant lockerz invite site like my site is, you'll have to manually enter in everyone's email addy after you've acquired it from them. There's always a chance that you could lose that person as a referral so quicker is better. At this point, we're going to get you an instant invite site like the one that I'm using. Click here to go to The Botting Network. Go ahead and register an account with the site. Once you've registered, you want to become a paying member. That's what the paypal account was for earlier. Go here to subscribe to the site. Depending on which item you want, you might have to subscribe for more than 1 month in order to accumulate the points needed. For the PS3, Wii, PSP, it should take you less than a month.

5) After you've subscribed to the site, go to this link to setup your instant Lockerz invite site. You'll get a long drawn out URL for a referral but we can fix that lickity split....and for free. One other thing to do first.

6) Goto and basically copy all of the information on the page starting at "Haven't heard of Lockerz?" . Paste the information into a notepad or word file. After the last line that says "check this out", paste this URL right after it.... . I'm assuming that you don't know how to make a hyperlink. If you do, go ahead and make "Check this out" a hyperlink. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. At this point, go ahead and sign into your gmail account and click on "Create Blog". Choose the name for your blog and the URL for your blog. Choose a design. On the posting page, paste that information you put into notepad or word earlier. DO NOT hit "Publish Post". Remember the URL that you chose because we will need it later. Open up another tab in your browser or another window but leave this one accessible.

7) Now, if you want a real domain and not a long affiliate type URL for a referral, go to this link and enter in your referral URL and follow the instructions. You'll have your free .tk domain name redirecting to your instant Lockerz url in no time. You can create a second .tk domain and put your blogger url in there to create your own .tk domain for it. It's your choice at this point whether or not you do it.

8) At this point, let's go ahead and login to Facebook.

9) After you've logged in to Facebook, goto this link and follow the instructions that they give you to receive your $100 in Facebook ad credit AND $75 in Yahoo ad credit. For the purpose of this blog, we're going to stick to utilizing the Facebook credit.

10) Go back to Facebook. In the bottom right corner, you'll see a link that says "Advertise". Go ahead and click it. At this point, you might have to register. Since I've advertised on Facebook several times before, I didn't have to do that.

11) Once registered (or next step, whichever the case maybe), click on "Create an Ad".

12) Where it says "Destination URL", type in the URL you chose for your blogger address without the http:// at the front of it.

13) For the title, put something catchy like "Free Christmas Gifts" or "Zero Christmas Costs" or something like that. Something that will stand out.

14) For the body, put something like "Let Lockerz make your Christmas happier by sparing you the costs of presents" or something to that affect. Use your creativity.

15) For image, use something that will catch your viewers' attentions. Now, for the next step, I suggest going to Google (open up another tab or window) and doing a search for something like "Hot Chicks" or "Filipina hotties". Make sure that the picture isn't nude b/c you won't get approved. Something like below should get you approved.

16) Download the pic from Google and click the browse button and browse to where you save the picture to.

17) Targeting. Now, this is the beauty of Lockerz. Lockerz is INTERNATIONAL. Therefore, it doesn't matter where the referral comes from. Choose a country that has a low impression ratio like Philippines, South Korea, etc. They are typically $0.01 per 1000 impressions. So, for $1, you can get 100,000 impressions of your ad. Note: You do NOT want to do per click. That's usually way more expensive.

18) Skip down to the section that says "Estimates", ignoring all of the other stuff in targeting. Click on "Create A New Campaign" and name the campaign "Lockerz" or something like that.

19) Set your daily budget to $3/day and for the campaign to run for 30 days. So, for $3/day, you'll get 300,000 impressions and 9,000,000 for the 30 days. That would put you at $90 in used credit and you'll have an extra $10 in FB ad credit to play with.

20) Set it to "Pay per impression" and not "Pay per click" for reasons I stated earlier.

21) Set your max bid to $0.01 and hit continue.

22) On the next page, it should give you a confirmation and ask if you have any coupon codes. Enter the coupon code that you received from the Visa Network.

23) Once the code is entered, go ahead and confirm the order. Once you confirm, you should be approved in a couple of hours.

24) Go back to your blogger blog and at the bottom of the post, type "Go here to get your instant invite: " and type in your .tk domain that you chose earlier. Now hit "publish post".

25) Sit back and watch the referrals come in. Be sure to login/logout daily and answer the daily question to get more points.

If you have questions, you can email me at .

To attract more attention to your ad, I have a friend in the Philippines that will translate your ad to Tagalog (official language of the Philippines)for $1.00 . Let me know if you're interested.

If you like this article and want to thank me, you can use the paypal link below and send a donation.

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